Monday, January 7, 2013

White Pants?! What to Wear!

So between semesters of college I found these super cute white jeans! Fast forward to today: First day back to classes (and last semester before graduation - Oh Yeah!). I decide to put on my white jeans and... uh oh. What do I wear with white jeans?! So after looking up "What to wear with white jeans" and perusing Google images, I finally settled on something. Don't you hate when you go to your closet completely confident that you will quickly put together a super cute outfit in just a matter of seconds. Then reality sets in and, before you know it, there is a huge pile of clothes all over your bed that you'll need to put back later. And you still haven't decided on something. Grumpy face here. So, I decided to start a style blog to help myself, and maybe possibly others, when we need some new ideas. Now, I know you don't have my exact clothes, but hopefully you can take my ideas and apply them to your own wardrobe. Happy out-fitting! :)

What I found out.....

    Don't wear anything too light with white pants. Colors are the best! As you can tell, I love lighter colors, but obviously any color goes with white. Below are some pic of examples of some ways you can change up your outfit while wearing white pants.


1 comment:

  1. My favorites are numbers 3 and 7 the grey stiped one with a belt and grey sweater. And the pink/salmon colored striped one. I also happen to know you have something like 500 pairs of shoes, so you could have changed your boots/shoes more often, too!!!
    I love reading your blog!!



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I love to laugh, work hard, and meet fun people!